January 26th, 2022:
In the first work session for this task we have divided the roles of each one and in the end the roles have been distributed in this way:
Facilitator: Sandra Marín
Historian: Sofía Lorente
Curator: Noelia Marín
Translator: Emilio Ruiz
Star: Emilio and Lidia Peñalver
Analyst: Eloy Riquelme
We have divided the work and we have started to read the documents and watch the videos to be informed about the topic of the task. Each one of us has contributed different ideas and we have chosen and debated among all the best ones. Sandra, who has been the facilitator in this task, has directed us very well and we have been very organised and productive. Eloy has come up with a great idea for the final physical project that we think can be very original and a great idea. Today we have also updated the blog and we have included the previous task 0 to bring everything up to date. In addition to the video and article that the teacher gave us, we continued researching on the subject of TPACK since we found it very interesting and we saw this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FagVSQlZELY
January 27th, 2022:
Today from home we have continued to work on the questions and in the information map in a collaborative way and by video call. We want to finish the work soon so that our colleagues Lidia and Emilio have time to prepare the presentation in a depth way, since we do not want to read the project and do it in a dynamic and not boring way.
In addition, we have been researching the differences between information map and diagram, because we do not want to get confused, we have looked for examples of templates to have a reference although, we will try to make our map much more colourful and aesthetical than those that appear on the Internet.
January 29th, 2022:
The final information map after all the research and having developed all the questions, we decided that we would do it with the program or application Canva, with which we are already familiar and we like very much. We tried to make everything as clear as possible for the final exposition and that all the important information was represented within.
There was a time when we thought to do the final physical project manually but finally we decided that since we are in the ICT subject it was better to use our technological knowledge and develop something that was not a simple poster board with pasted photos since times evolve and we did that when we went to school.
This is a video that we found on Youtube about how to use this application and also you can find more videos about tricks and interesting things that you can do with it.
I think it’s important to detail exactly how we develop this information map. First Sofía thought it was a good idea to include the essential scheme of the elements that make up the TPACK model and from there, we have taken out different arrows including the most relevant information of all the questions. The final product in our opinion is very beautiful and aesthetic as it was something we wanted to be attractive and eye-catching and not boring
January 30th, 2022:
Today we have been giving the last touches to the task to finish it.
Our final judgement of this first task is that it has been somewhat laborious, but very interesting and useful since we agree with the teacher that when you better assimilate the knowledge is through the manipulation of it and creating a final product in a collaborative way I thought it a good first task. We wanted to express our opinions on this task and so the teacher can also know what we think and if we have found it very difficult.
Finally, in conclusion as I am the journalist I wanted to ask each of my colleagues individually their opinion about this project to know what each one weighed and these have been their answers:
-"The subject of work has been very interesting and the fact that we are all friends has made everything much easier. Surely there are things to improve but I am very happy with the final work we have achieved together" Sandra Marín.
-"We think that this task has been such a useful yet new way of learning, because before facing it we didn't know anything about the subject matter, and we had to search on the Internet for all the information, read about it, watch videos... So that has led to a deeper understanding and knowledge about the topic" Emilio José Ruiz.
-”From my point of view, this task has been a very useful way to learn about TPACK and ACAD. It has been fun to do it and I am very happy with the work of my colleagues and with the result of it.” Noelia Marín.
-“Frankly speaking, this first task has been pretty interesting since the two methodologies (TPACK and ACAD) that we dealt with are rather useful and dynamic for us as future and potential teachers. What is more, the fact of making an informational map to summarise all the information makes you retain the information better and learn quicker and more effectively. I also liked it because we all worked pretty good as a group.” Lidia Peñalver.
-”After doing the task, I can say for sure that we have learned how to work effectively as a team and we really liked working with roles because we have the opportunity to feel everyone is important in the final result of the work”. Eloy Riquelme.
2nd February 2022:
Today to conclude, we have presented our work to our classmates. Thanks to the feedback of the teacher and other students we have seen some small failures and we have liked very much the way in which the presentations have been made. It was all very dynamic and we really liked seeing the other works and posters. We believe we have done the best we can and we are very proud of the group work and the final product.
As the journalist of the group, I have researched the different blogs of our classmates and one of those who has called me more attention is the Puzzle team.
At the end, we are all in the same class and it is very enriching to see the work of other people to inspire you and I think it is something very beneficial to have a look at them.
From the Puzzle team blog I liked several things that I think should be highlighted. First of all, the clarity and how orderly it is, I thought it would be a good idea to divide the sections by weeks. Apart from that, I really like the slogan and aesthetically I find your blog quite nice.
Link to the blog of Puzzle Team: https://sites.google.com/view/blog-puzzle-team/
I also want to include a link to an article that talks about technological resources that can be used by university students and that could help someone, although lately we young people are used to using many different platforms and websites and not just a PowerPoint. https://www.universia.net/co/actualidad/orientacion-academica/recursos-tecnologicos-herramientas-estudiantes-universitarios-1168020.html
To sum up, working in a group gives you competencies for life and also for being a teacher as you are going to be around people and you are not going to work alone. In our opinion, working in a group has more advantages than disadvantages and you develop a lot of flexibility. For example, in our case, two of our group members were sick because of covid, a situation that is very common today, unfortunately, and we had to make a greater effort so that everything is up to date and everyone works even if they are at home. We were in contact with them all in a while through the telephone and Whatsapp so we had no problem, we understood each other very well and we all worked.
I liked the role of the journalist very much because I personally love writing and it has been a task that I wish to repeat again because it makes you be very attentive to your colleagues, to the decision-making process and to everything that happens and then write it down.
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