Task 2:  Lidia Peñalver Martínez

In first place, in order to complete this assignment we all read, visualized and understood the information provided by the teacher Linda:

-Video: The Prince of Egypt - Moses Dream (A Revelation!). (2019, 15 mayo). [Vídeo]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Yr6b-CVP7Pc

Lemke, C. (2010) Innovation through technology, in Bellanca, J. A. & Brandt, R. (eds.) 21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn. Bloomington, Solution Tree Press, 243-274.

Mr. Willson. (2017, 17 noviembre). The Graphic Classroom. The Graphic Classroom. http://www.graphicclassroom.org/ 

Yang, G. (2003). Comics in education. Comics in education. https://www.humblecomics.com/comicsedu/index.html

Secondly, once we visualized the video of The prince of Egypt and we read the three websites, we decided to investigate a little bit more about comics, but in our case, about Hieroglyphics since it is a format we never had seen before so we were quite confused about how to effectively reflect the story with Hieroglyphics. Here are the documents which helped us with the comic:

Pérez Porto, J; y Merino, María. (2009). Definición de jeroglíficos- Qué es, significado y concepto. Definición de jeroglíficos. https://definicion.de/jeroglifico/

Then we looked for pictures of real Hieroglyphics in Google to see how they actually look like and try to represent it the most realistic as possible. These are two examples:

Lastly, so as to create our comic in Hieroglyphics we started using Storyboard thinking it was the best option, but then after consulting our teacher, we realized that the best thing would be using Canva to create the story and the Hieroglyphics, and finally paste it in a Word in order to create a printed where our classmates could read our Hieroglyphic.

Here is the link of our conceptual map and a picture of it:


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