TASK 5. “ETHICS” - Journalist
JOURNALIST: Emilio José Ruiz Franco
Friday 26/02
On Friday we started with the task. First of all, we read the task and decided the roles of each member. The roles were established in the following way:
Lidia: Facilitator
Noelia: Analyst
Sandra: Translator
Sofía: Curator
Eloy: Star
Emilio: Journalist
After doing so, we take into discussion the tools according to the three classifying characteristics requested: the three main tools that we were “forced” to use by our teacher; the three main tools that we have discovered on this course; and, finally, the three main tools that we used before the course and we are using now for completing the work.
After talking about it we chose the following tools for each topic:
Tools forced to use: Aula Virtual, Blogger, and PBworks.
Tools discovered: Storyboard, Miro, and DeepL.
Tools used before the course: Canva, Google Documents, and WhatsApp.
Also, we started filling out the form about what we do with each tool chosen.
Monday 28/02
Monday was the day we worked the hardest and made the most progress. In a shared document we divided the tools and started answering the questions of the form regarding what each of the tools selected does, and how we feel using them.
But we did not limit ourselves to answering our assigned tool. In fact, at home in the afternoon, each member of the group reviewed the rest of the answers, adding the information they considered necessary and useful to describe each tool as concretely and correctly as possible.
Tuesday 1/03
On Tuesday we keep advancing in our rubrics, both in the class and in the afternoon. In the afternoon we decided to divide the tools whose rubric remained undone and each member of the group finished his/her tool assigned. Also
Wednesday 2/03
Wednesday was the day of the presentation, and there was a relaxed atmosphere in the group, as we had completed the form and the rubrics together in advance. In addition, our weekly star Eloy had looked at the rubric document and arrived with clear ideas for his turn to speak in the group discussion that took place during the two hours of class.
However, the minutes of the class passed and it became more and more difficult to answer the questions, either because we were getting saturated or because the difficulty of the reflections we had to make was increasing.
The last thing to do was undoubtedly the most difficult, so much so that we didn't have time to finish it and left it for Friday's class. In this last request, we had to work out a method to classify the main categories into three groups and then apply that method to prove if it is functional or not.
Friday 4/03
Friday was the last day of the task, and during the class, our star Eloy had to go out to the blackboard and write down the method so that others could understand and apply it.
Blog chosen: https://sites.google.com/view/blog-puzzle-team/home
This week, I would like to show the blog of our colleagues, Puzzle Team. I have chosen this blog because I really like the way the information is structured, and also it is presented in such a beautiful design. Congratulations to the Puzzle Team!
Website outside the class: https://er.educause.edu/articles/a-rubric-for-evaluating-e-learning-tools-in-higher-education
I would like to leave in this post a website that explains in a deeper way each category that makes up the evaluation rubric for e-learning tools. It’s an interesting article that I highly recommend to you.
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