Curator: Emilio José Ruiz Franco
Resources of Linda:
Enseñe codificación y pensamiento computacional a estudiantes de primaria | ISTE. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.iste.org/es/explore/computer-science/teach-coding-and-computational-thinking-elementary-students
Hour of Code: Anybody can Learn. (s. f.). Code.org. Obtained from the URL: https://hourofcode.com/learn
For doing the Radio Program:
Dashboard. (s. f.). Anchor. Obtained from the URL:https://anchor.fm/dashboard
Tools used:
DeepL Translate: The world’s most accurate translator. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.DeepL.com/translator
Aula Virtual:
Aula Virtual: Mi Sitio: Inicio. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://aulavirtual.um.es/portal
Google Docs: Documentos de Google: Crea y edita documentos online de forma gratuita. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.google.com/docs/about/
Blogger.com—Crea un blog atractivo y original. Es fácil y gratuito. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.blogger.com
Websites for obtaining information:
Why computer programming or coding is so important for students in today’s era—Education Today News. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/why-computer-programming-or-coding-is-so-important-for-students-in-today-s-era-1789171-2021-04-09
7 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code. (2020, noviembre 11). UT Austin Boot Camps. https://techbootcamps.utexas.edu/blog/why-kids-should-learn-to-code/
The Benefits of Coding in School and How to Teach It | Nord Anglia Education. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.nordangliaeducation.com/news/2020/08/18/the-benefits-of-coding-in-school-and-how-to-teach-it
What is computational thinking? - Introduction to computational thinking - KS3 Computer Science Revision. (s. f.). BBC Bitesize. Obtained from the URL: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zp92mp3/revision/1
Past, Present and Future: The Evolution of Technology. (s. f.). Obtained from the URL: https://www.discovertec.com/blog/evolution-of-technology
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (Revised 2017).pdf. (s. f.). Google Docs. Obtained from the URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dPTAI1yk2HYPKUWZ6DqaM6aVUDa9iby/view?usp=embed_facebook
User. (2021, enero 22). 5 PASOS PARA CREAR UN PODCAST EDUCATIVO. Universidad del Sur. https://universidaddelsur.edu.mx/unisur/2021/01/21/5-pasos-para-crear-un-podcast-educativo/
Rodrigo Mella. (2020, marzo 26). Tutorial para usar Anchor para crear podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNqvWJ6tjAk
Activity 1 “SpriteBox”. Obtained from the URL: https://spritebox.com/hour.html
Activity 2 “Coding Basics: Unplugged”. Obtained from the URL: https://www.kodable.com/hour-of-code/unplugged-coding
Photocopies activity 2:
2020HOC_UnpluggedWorksheets_General.pdf. (s. f.). Google Docs. Obtained from the URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12x4fjNxpvhnHyqOZHXssduGe5aLIRaGe/view?usp=embed_facebook
Activity 3 “Coding with Poetry”.Obtained from the URL: https://code.org/poetry
Finally, here we attach the link to our Miro map including all the sites where we obtained the information for each task. It doesn't stop growing!:
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