JOURNALIST: Sandra Marín Soto
Friday, 1 of April:
That day we only went Emilio and I (Sandra) to class, the rest of the team could not twentieth class for different situations, it was a setback but at the time in which we organized everything was clarified. Those of us who were in class that day began the task by watching the videos that cute put us in the instructions and writing down the most important of these videos (types of infographics, the best colors for it, etc). Once we did this we created a document and we put absolutely everything, everything that we considered important of course. By Whatsapp we divided the roles that were assigned in the following way:
Star 1: Sofia
Star 2: Noelia
Journalist: Sandra
Curator: Lidia
Analyst: Eloy
Translator: Sandra
Facilitator: Emilio
After this Emilio put by colors what each one should do in the document already started. Apart from this, I share in Canva an infographic model to believe our inspiring us. Once we did this we created a document and we put absolutely everything, everything that we considered important. For Whatsapp, we divided the roles that were assigned in the following way: After this Emilio put by colors what each one should do in the document already started. Apart from this, I share in Canva an infographic model to make ours inspired from there.
The document was read to us all on Saturday and each one made a summary of the part of the document (Holistic Teaching Competence for a Digital World) that Emilio had previously assigned.
Tuesday, 5 of April:
Tuesdays are practical classes, so we saw that we had all done our part of the document and it was time to start making the infographics. We talked a bit about colors and design, but to be honest we didn't talk about anything else.
The hour after the class we had an exam and we were all nervous so we spent most of the time revising. That's why that same day in the afternoon we did most of the practical part of the work.
Noelia and Sofia were in charge of summarizing their part, outlining and extracting the key information while the rest of the group created the infographics. We did this by video call, as we didn't know what we were going to do so much via WhatsApp. we spent more time than we thought we were going to need because we thought a lot about how we were going to do it, we wanted to be sure that this time we were doing a good infographic, that's why we tried to reflect as much as we could and above all to think about what Linda wanted to see from us. Finally, we chose the design, Sofia and Lidia summarized in a few words the basic concepts and I added some arrows and changed some of the words for drawings. At the last minute, we changed the color to make it more eye-catching and we were very happy with the final result.
Wednesday, 6 of April:
That day was the day of the presentations and I was not going to write it down but I think it is something that can help us in the future.
As we had the exam we delayed this work, so we couldn't print it before that day in the morning. I was the one who was going to print it, as I always arrive before the others in the class. When I arrived and went to print it there was a problem, the photocopier in our faculty was broken and they didn't have A2 size, we didn't want to print it in A4 and put it together, we wanted the size directly, so the lady in the bookshop told me that in the Faculty of Fine Arts they had a printer for A2. To my surprise when I arrived, they told me that they didn't, but this other lady sent me to the kiosk in front of the Faculty of Chemistry, this time I made sure she was sure that they would have A2 size. I got to the kiosk and when I asked her finally she said yes. Maybe if we had done it with more time those rushes of that morning would have been avoided but on the contrary, we wouldn't have discovered that for future work we should go there. It was also quite interesting for me to see the different faculties. I am sure that this will not happen again.
After all the setbacks we think our presentation went quite well, and it was one of the most satisfying things we have ever done, at least during this year.
I took pictures of all the infographics so that I can compare them with our own, and also some pictures of our moments before the presentation so I put them below. And of course one picture of our infographic.
These are some of the infographics of our classmates:
Our favorite infographic almost at first sight was one of the groups: Study Buddies, because of its design, organization, and explanation that seemed to us very complex. And here is their blog: https://marinameseguerba.wixsite.com/studybuddies.
Also, a page of interest that helped us to compare infographics was: https://piktochart.com. Even if finally we used Canva, this page give us some inspiration.
- Best parts of infographics:
- Lots of colors.
- Information well organized.
- Well divided.
- Animated colors.
- the presentation is very detailed and explained how they made the infographic.
- it is attractive to the eye and well organized,
- beige color for a familiar atmosphere.
- big numbers to differentiate.
- Worst parts of the infographics:
- They have not explained how they have made the infographic.
- Lacks emojis.
- Too small,
- Very dark color,
- Many types of fonts.
- Different kinds of icons.
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